If you are residing in France and looking to invest your money into forex than you must know that the French government has strict rules and regulations in place concerning the investment and securities market. This is to protect the interest of people investing their funds into forex. Therefore, you can rest assured that your money is likely to be safe as far as you are signed with a company registered in France or have got a permission to offer its services to the French citizens. However, forex market itself is a risky market and you need to have a lot of trading experience and market knowledge to stay safe. In case you are inexperienced managed forex accounts can work great for you helping you to get started immediately.
What Is Mean by A Managed Forex Account?
Managed forex account is a type of investment account which help traders to generate a passive source of income. In simple words, investors put their money into an account and hand it over to fund managers to trade forex on their behalf and bring them profits. This arrangement involves a contract between investors and fund managers concerning the profit allocation between each part involved. In managed forex account the risk of loss is relatively low as compared to personal trading since fund managers are likely to have a profound market knowledge and extensive trading experience. They can surely trade way better than you could do on your own.
Is It Legal To Open a Managed Forex Account In France?
Besides strict policies of the French government concerning investment and securities market, it is absolutely legal to open a managed forex account in France. There are certain regulatory bodies in France which keeps monitoring financial affairs of the concerned entities and one of them is (AMF) which regulates them for a better purpose.
What Is “AMF”?
Autorite Des Marches Financiers (AMF) is a regulatory body which looks after the forex affairs in the country. The regulatory body defines rules and procedure for forex brokers and bound them to abide by all the SOPs in place. The “AMF” enforces its laws on all concerned entities through the country’s legislation.
How To Open A Managed Forex Account?
Managed forex accounts can be opened with a company providing funds management services. You can also hire an individual trader having years of forex experience for the same. However, opening up a managed forex account with a company is better since companies are supposed to be regulated by some reputable regulatory body. This is not the case with individual forex trader. Therefore, your investment is likely to be safer with the company as compared to an individual.
Why Managed Forex Account? What Is the Benefit?
As mentioned earlier, forex trading is a bit risky and it can go even worse if you are inexperienced. Forex market is considered one of the most liquid markets of the world. The prices of the financial instruments or underlying assets tend to changer abruptly and even traders with hands-on trading experience sometimes remain clueless as what to do therefore they end up having loss of balance in their accounts. There have been several cases in the past where people have gone liquidated in all of a sudden. This is why managed forex accounts are always recommended. Managed forex accounts help you cater all of the limitations including the required market knowledge as well as previous trading experience.
Where I can find the Best Company Offering Forex Managed Account Services?
Locating the best company offering reliable managed forex account services has become quite easy with the use of information technology. All you need to do is to type in your keywords in the search bar of a search engine and multiple links to various legitimate companies such as forex92 will be displayed. Make sure that the company you finally select to open a managed forex account with is legitimate.
What Is Forex92?
Forex92 is one of the best fund management company offering reliable managed forex accounts to its customers worldwide. The company was found in 2014 and is based in Limassol, Cyprus. The company works in collaboration with the world’s most trusted brokers and offers effective fund management solutions for a low cost. Forex92 offers consistent monthly returns to its clients with the help of its team of experts having years of trading experience in the same field. The company also provides forex signals as well. The company is specialized in managed forex accounts and offer three types of accounts listed below;
Personal Managed Forex Account
With limited funds available, clients can open a personal managed forex account with forex92. The company offers low cost personal managed forex account to its small investors for just a deposit of $1000. The risk of loss is kept moderate with a monthly return of 10% to 15% in personal managed forex account by the company.
Business Managed Forex Account
Corporate clients are offered business managed forex account with a monthly return of 15% to 25%. The risk of loss in a business managed account is also less as compared to personal managed forex account. The minimum amount that needs to be deposited in business managed forex account is $10,000.
Crypto Managed Account
Clients’ interested in trading cryptocurrencies can sign up for a crypto managed account with the company. The company offers risk-free investment opportunities with a monthly return of 50% to 100% for its clients holding a crypto managed account with it.
Is Forex92 A Legit Company?
Yes, forex92 is 100% legitimate company doing business forex the past four years successfully. The company offers the most reliable managed forex accounts and provides smooth monthly returns to its customers. The company also holds a verifiable trading history of success which can be verified by visiting the company’s official webpage www.forex92.com.
Customer Services
To provide its clients 24/7 customer support, forex92 has a team of dedicated customer support staff available round the clock. The company offers multilingual customer support to its clients visiting the company’s website from different parts of the world.
- Telephone: +357-25123308
- Email:trading@bestmanagedforexaccounts.com
- URL: www.forex92.com
After a detailed review of the company, we hereby conclude that forex92 offers the world’s most reliable managed forex account services. The company also provides full-time customer support to its clients and offers smooth returns on monthly basis. The risk of trading loss is also kept to a minimal level and clients’ investment is ensured through collaboration with regulated brokers worldwide. We suggest people should try it for once at least.