If you have tried various methods to make money online but have not got the results you always wished for, then try opening a managed forex account. It is one of the most successful methods people have been making money with. Forex market offers you countless trading opportunities with a range of tradable assets to try your fate. Making money out of the forex was never so easy unless managed forex accounts came into play. Since it is the world’s highest volatile market, therefore, previous trading experience and sound market knowledge
What Is Meant By A Managed Forex Account?
A managed forex account is a forex investment account in which investors keep their money to be traded in forex. The only difference is that investors do not go trading themselves, instead professional experienced traders are asked to trade investors’ money for an agreed share of profit. This arrangement usually involves a contract between the two parties “investors” and “company” offering funds management services. The risk of trading loss in a managed forex account is well diversified since the money managers are likely to perform well at least better than you.
Who Offers Managed Forex Accounts In India?
Mostly, managed forex accounts are offered by forex brokers. However, some funds management companies may also offer managed forex accounts in collaboration with different forex brokers such as forex92. Before opening a managed forex account you must check that the broker or the company you are about to open a managed forex account with is legitimate. It should be regulated or should have business terms with regulated brokers at least.
Why Regulation? Does It Make Any Difference?
Yes, regulation makes a lot of difference. It ensure that the company you have opened a managed forex account with is bound to abide by all the rules and procedures in place by the respective regulatory authority. Regulation also saves you from all the mess that could have been your headache in case of a financial mistreatment by your non-regulated broker. Unfortunately, you can’t even file a case against them.
Who Regulates Financial Market In India?
The Security and Exchange Board in India (SEBI) regulates the Indian financial market. The body is responsible to look after the financial affairs of all the concerned entities and devise an applicable framework for them to act accordingly. The SEBI also keeps reviewing the need of further improvement and thereby keep updating its applicable framework from time to time.
What Is Forex92?
Forex92 is an investment and fund management company offering investment solutions to its customers for more than 05 years. The company has its main office located in Limassol, Cyprus with its
Personal Managed Forex Account
It is one of the simplest managed forex accounts people can open with the company. It only needs you to deposit $5000 to get started. The account offers a monthly return of 10% to 15% on your investment with a moderate level of risk. Since the company has optimal trading plan in place therefore, the risk is well managed though.
Business Managed Account
Investors looking to invest big amounts can sign up for the business managed forex account with the company. It is usually offered to corporate clients. The account has a low level of trading risk associated with it, and offers a return of more than 20% a month. The minimum amount that needs to be deposited into the accounts starts from $10,000.
Executive Managed Forex Account
It is the most rewarding account that the company is being offering to its valued customers. Investors can sign up for this account by depositing $10,000. The account offers excessive monthly returns and has almost no trading risk involved. On an average it brings you a return of 50% to 70% a month.
Is Forex92 A Legitimate Company?
Yes, forex92 is a legitimate company. It works with regulated brokers of the world. The company is in the business for the past 4 to 5 years and is successfully offering world class managed forex account services to its customers worldwide.
How To Get Started With Forex92?
Forex92 offers a simple and easy to start mechanism for its customers. All you have to do is follow a few steps procedure explained below.
- Go to www.forex92.com
- Select managed forex accounts services
- Select your type of account and choose your preferred broker
- Make the initial deposit and take a screenshot of it to share with the company
- Sign the written contract with the company and share your MT4’ login credentials
That was all.
Customer Services
Forex92 offers excellent multilingual customer services round the clock. Clients can access the company using multiple ways including telephone, email and live chat. Given below are the details to establish a contact with the company.
- Telephone: +357-25123308
- Email:trading@bestmanagedforexaccounts.com
- URL: www.forex92.com
After a detailed review of the company, it has been concluded that forex92 is one of the legit companies offering profit oriented accounts to people all over the world. The company is in collaboration with regulated brokers of the world and is extremely safe for investment purposes. It doesn’t make false promises but brings your realistic returns in actual. It a general opinion that people should give it a try.